Readings: Storytelling landscape

Grand événement multi-sites

A journey through the park and castle filled with stories!

une personne qui lit un livre assise dans le parc du château

As part of the "Printemps des Monuments" event, the Château d'Oiron invites you to take part in a storytelling walk combining the interior and exterior of the château.

Along the way, you'll be able to listen to questions from Pousse, the facetious La malédiction des aulnes and the transfigured journey of "Au Futur", three Livrarbres taken from the Canton/ Conté association project.

At the heart of the Canton / Conté project is the publication of a collection of 10 Livrarbres, using the tree as a pretext to explore more deeply the question of landscape and local culture.

These Livrarbres, written by 10 authors and 10 illustrators with a link to the region, tell local stories about current issues and highlight theheritage of each commune in the Richelais canton.

In partnership with the Canton Conté association, which is launching a series of projects on trees, hedgerows and environmental and landscape protection. The aim is to provide cultural, informative and participatory tools to encourage people to rediscover their local environment.


Find out more about the Canton Conté association